Hi! I'm a solo indie dev that likes to make web games and visual novels. Thank you for checking out my page!
Check me out on:
Itch.io: https://algorithm-axolotl.itch.io/
My main website of choice. I post updates, announcements and everything on here. It's also my most complete list of projects!
Gd.games: https://gd.games/Algorithm_Axolotl
Gd.games is a place to play games made with gdevelop (an open-source, no-code game engine) right on the website. Since gdevelop is my preferred game engine I post some of my games there. However some of my games can't be posted there due to technical reasons. Learn more about why some games aren't available here
GitHub: https://github.com/Algorithm-Axolotl
Because its nice to have a GitHub you know. I'll change my status to reflect recent announcements!
All My Projects: